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Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Inc. (SONAME) being the only duly-PRC accredited professional association of Filipino naval architects and marine engineers has successfully finalized its first Roadmap for the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Profession (for 2013-2023) last October 25, 2013 at the Bayleaf, Intramuros with an aim to continue taking part in developing our country to be a true maritime power.

The roadmap was divided into following sectors with short term (achievable within 3 years); medium term (achievable within 5 years); long term (achievable within 10 years) goal:

There were also five Clusters, namely:

a) Education as led by Engr. Thaddeus T. Jovellanos – President of SONAME;
b) Licensing and Certification as led by Engr. Rosalio A. Quirante – Chairman of PRC NAME Board;
c) Practice of the Profession & Career Opportunities as led by Engr. Edward Cruz – Member of PRC NAME Board;
d) Promotion of the Profession as led by Engr. William Hernandez – Member of PRC NAME Board; and
e) Legislation/Policies as led by Engr. Engr. Sammuel T. Lim – Chairman of SONAME

Representatives from the government, maritime industry and schools offering NAME course were invited and their comments are noted for inclusion in this Roadmap.

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NAME Roadmap Attendees(Attendees for the finalization of the first Roadmap for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Profession (for 2013-2023) which includes representative from the government, maritime sectors, class societies and students from different schools offering NAME course with PRC NAME Board and SONAME Officers and Board of Trustees. Cluster leaders (sitting from the left) Engr. William Hernandez and Engr. Edward B. Cruz – Members of PRC NAME Board, Engr. Sammuel T. Lim – Chairman of SONAME, Engr. Thaddeus t. Jovellanos – President of SONAME and Engr. Rosalio A. Quirante – Chairman of PRC NAME Board)